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Please consider helping Syrian families caught in the crossfire of war this holiday season.


This fall, a number of longtime human rights advocates and several Syrian-Americans in Massachusetts joined forces to found a non-profit organization dedicated to serving unlawfully detained Syrian men, women, children and their families.  Justice for Detainees in Syria has enjoyed a successful launch.  In two short months, we have met with the national leader of Amnesty International about strategic planning, convened with Congressmen Seth Moulton at a Refugee Roundtable, and discussed upcoming collaborations with Human Rights Watch officials.  Our inaugural event to protest the incarceration of children by the Assad regime and Islamic State Forces in Syria was a great success.  Still, a tremendous amount of work remains.


Our organization pursues its mission by partnering with human rights lawyers on the ground in Syria. Through a network of lawyers who are working on the cases of illegally detained men, women, and children, we aim to:


  • Advocate for the release of detainees; 

  • Document human rights abuses;

  • Raise international awareness about abuses by the Assad regime and Islamic State parties;

  • Connect with the families of detainees to provide financial support and psychological and health services.


If the crisis in Syria concerns you, here are some ways you can become involved.


Sponsor a Child or an Elderly Person


Sponsoring a young person or an elderly relative of a political prisoner is one of the most powerful ways to share hope with a family who has experienced indescribable loss and unconscionable suffering.  Your monthly donation has a direct impact.  Fifty dollars a month provides food, clothing, and medicine for your sponsored child or elder.  A monthly donation of $100 can help a child attend school or help pay medical bills for an elder.


Sponsors benefit from their financial support, as they gain a relationship with the sponsored individual. On a monthly basis, JDS will:


  • Ensure direct and personal correspondence from our lawyers to inform you of how your donation was put to use;

  • Translate and deliver of thank you notes from the child or elder whom you sponsor;

  • Provide a photo and personal information about your sponsored child or elder. 


JDS encourages its sponsors to provide any information about their families, professions or former professions, and home communities that they wish to share.


If you are interested in sponsoring a family, please email or call (774) 253-4455. Even in this time of crisis, you can make an invaluable difference in the life of a family.




Justice for Detainees in Syria seeks your help in achieving its short and long-term organizational goals. Your financial support has an immediate and direct impact on our work on the ground in Syria.  Donations help fund the following:


  • Continued efforts of our lawyers on behalf of political prisoners;

  • Anonymous psychological services to family members of detainees;

  • Comprehensive healthcare for released political prisoners.


You can donate via PayPal by visiting our website at and clicking on “Donate.”  Thank you for your generosity.


Become a Member


Membership dues begin at only $25/year.  As a member, you receive the following:


  • Access to our online members area, where you are invited to participate in conversation about future organizational initiatives and goals;

  • Discount rates to JDS events;

  • Open invitation to the JDS Annual Meeting.




If you are a student or member of a human rights organization who is seeking to gain experience, please contact JDS at  Can you help organize an event?  Help in fundraising efforts?  Assist in making calls or sending out mailings?  Do you speak Arabic?  We are looking for your ideas and energy in all areas of our work, from fundraising to translation.   


Thank you for your interest in Justice for Detainees in Syria and its mission.  For more information, please refer to our website at or contact us at


Happy Holidays,


The JDS Team

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